How to Deep Clean Fabric Sofas in Riverside, CA; Vacuum, Treat Stains & Call an Upholstery Cleaner!

Exposed to daily and frequent use, the sofa is one of the major furnishings that see a lot of buildup. The sofa can quickly look rough with the family, pets, and guests comings and goings. They are susceptible to accumulating dirt and debris, odors, germs, bacteria, and pet hair. In order to keep your sofa in optimal condition, looking its best as well as efficiently cleaned, sanitized, and deodorized, professional deep cleaning is recommended 1-2 times a year. However, in between the deep cleaning and stain removing professional care, you can perform your own maintenance. With your maintenance in addition to professional maintenance, your sofa can be kept in prime condition through its expected lifespan and maybe even beyond with proper care. With that in mind, we at Leading Carpet Cleaning would like to share some tips on maintenance.

How Do You Deep Clean a Couch?

1) The surface of the sofa needs to be vacuumed. Remove the excess dirt and debris presently found on the surface of your couch using your vacuum cleaners hose, and all of the attachments. Before treating any stains, it is important to vacuum the filthy debris first, otherwise you will have a messier time. Vacuuming your sofa should be done weekly. So you do not damage the fabric, especially if you have leather upholstery, avoid using any abrasive tools. Keeping as much of the fallen remnants from penetrating the surface will minimize the dingy and dull effects the dirt and debris can do to a sofa.
2) Use the right sofa cleaners. Before initializing any further cleaning and treatment processing to your sofa, read the label carefully. Specific instructions are often found there because different fabrics require specific needs. If you prefer to buy upholstery cleaner, be sure the products are conducive to what the tag recommends. You should ensure the cleaner is safe on the fabric while still effectively killing the germs and bacteria and removing the dirt spots and stains. If ever in doubt, always perform a patch test in an inconspicuous area to make certain the upholstery will not be compromised.
3) Consider homemade cleaning solutions. If the label does not indicate a specific type of cleaner, and you prefer DIY formulas, a mixture of baking soda and vinegar can loosen compacted dirt, remove stubborn stains and neutralize odors. If you prefer working with a paste, you will want more baking soda but otherwise two parts white vinegar and 1 part baking soda used until the baking soda is dissolved should do the trick. However, use a dab of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball to dab away stains on leather sofas. When using cleaners to kill the germs, or remove stains and odors; never over saturate when applying it onto the sofa. Too much wetness can cause water damage effects. Never rub or scrub the stains but blot them out and avoid using cloths that have dyes because could transfer to the sofa.

Upholstery Cleaning & More in Orange, Santa Ana, Rancho Cucamonga, Anaheim, Whittier, Riverside, Chino & Fullerton California

When it comes time for the heavy duty cleaning of your sofas, call Leading Carpet Cleaning and let our trained professionals get your sofa looking vibrant and smelling fresh again.

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