Choosing the Right Grout Type & Color to Use With Your Tile Floors & Showers in Fullerton, CA

You are so excited; you just picked out the tile for your home and are done making that big decision. Oh wait, you have to choose grout? There are different colors and types? Making all of these decisions can be taxing. When you are choosing the right grout for your tile floors, you will find there are many different options to choose from. Leading Carpet Cleaning is here to talk about some of the options you have to consider when choosing the right grout for your home.

Choose the Best Type of Grout for Your Floors & Showers etc

When choosing the right grout for your home, you need to consider where you will be putting it. There are a few different options to think about for different areas in your home.

Unsanded or Sanded Grout Options

There are times you will want to use grout that has sand mixed in it. There are also times that it is more beneficial to have no sand mixed in. Sand helps your grout withstand cracking and/or shrinking. If you are going to have grout joints that are wider than 1/8 inch, you will definitely want to use a sanded grout to avoid any cracking issues. If the grout joints are less than 1/8 inch wide, you would benefit from unsanded grout.

Cement or Epoxy Grout Choices

A popular choice in grouting, is cement based grout. It is the most cost efficient and as a general rule, is more available than epoxy based grout. Epoxy and Furan grout is harder to install and comes with a bigger price tag as well. There are benefits to using epoxy grout though. You will find that it is very resistant to stains. It is also a more durable option. It is found to withstand any damage caused by household cleaners or water damage. Epoxy grout is a great choice for wall tiles and glass tiles.

How to Pick the Right Grout Color

Just like when you choose a paint color, grout colors come in samples so you can take them home and see what they look like next to your tile and in your home. If you are wanting to showcase the pattern used in your tile, you may want a contrasting grout color. This will draw attention to the tile pattern more than other options. If you choose a grout color that matches your tile, it will help the grout lines be less pronounced and attention will be drawn to the tiles. Choosing neutral colors when it comes to grout is always a safe option. You can mix and match many tile designs with neutral grout colors such as grey, tan, or brown.

Is Dark Better Grout Better than Light for Gray & Other Color Tiles?

Both dark and light grout colors have benefits. When dealing with light colored grout, you may notice dirt more. When cleaning light colors, you don’t have to worry about fading the grout with harsh cleaners that are often used on flooring. Dark colored grout is great for hiding dirt and grime. This is another reason that neutral colors are a such a great option. When you choose a grout color that is neither light or dark, but somewhere in between, you get the best of both worlds. Grey, tan, and beige are all great options that will be easy to maintain.

Tile & Grout Cleaning in Orange, Santa Ana, Rancho Cucamonga, Anaheim, Whittier, Riverside, Chino & Fullerton California

It is important to properly maintain your tile flooring and other tiled surfaces. You spent a lot of time and money picking just the right tile and grout for your home, and you want to protect that investment. Having your tile floors professionally cleaned at least once a year will help extend the life of your tile flooring and keep them looking like they did they day they were installed. Leading Carpet Cleaning offers tile and grout cleaning, call for an appointment today!

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